Hi, my name is Vaishali Pehere
I'm the Web Developer.

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Hello! I‘m Vaishali Pehere, a web developer and programmer with long years of experience. I obtained my master’s degree in Computer Application. Started working on the web many years ago. Since then, I have been developing clean, elegant, and creative websites. During my experience with industry, worked on many different projects as a result I gained strong experience. Worked on both front-end as well as back-end web development. Know web languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, and much more. Also worked with the popular CMS(content-management systems) WordPress.

I love my work and enjoy each new project as it comes to me. Develop user-friendly, clean, usable websites. Believe in giving 100% to my work, which results in best solution for my clients. I am not just the web developer but a reliable person who can be trusted for the work.

My Skills : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, XML, JSON, Ajax, jQuery, REACT, PHP, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop Bootstrap, MVC Framework, WordPress

Apart from web development I like painting, crafting, reading, listening music and meditating.


Industry Leaders

This project was developed in Wordpress

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The OZZ Project

This project was developed using HTML and CSS with custom cms to update the details on website.

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Robo Friends App

This project was developed while learning REACT to display list and search robos which are generated using api call.

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Face Recognition App

This project was developed while learning REACT where user can register/login to upload an image and face recognition on uploaded image.

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